Meetings & Board Members

Lake Management District Meetings:
  • Blue Spring Lake District Board Meetings are held at least quarterly and at other times on the call of the chairperson or the request of three of the commissioners.  Meetings are open to the public and are conducted at the Palmyra Town Hall.
  • Residents are also encouraged to attend both the informational meeting and the annual meeting of the Blue Spring Lake Management District.
    • The informational meeting is usually held on the last Saturday of May and provides updates to residents as well as information regarding lake activities like the Independence Day parade, Independence Day fireworks, and ski show dates.
    • The annual meeting is combined with the budget hearing and elections of open board positions and is conducted the last Saturday of August at the Irvin L. Young Community Center.

Board Member Appointed by Jefferson County:

John Kannard
[email protected]

Board Member Appointed by Town of Palmyra:
Rob Martens
[email protected]

Administrative Assistant - BSLMD:
Staci Griffiths
For general questions not regarding your sewer bill email [email protected] or call 262-549-0001.
For Questions regarding your sewer bill, please email [email protected] or call 262-549-0001
Please mail sewer bill payments to BSLMD, PO Box F, Palmyra, WI 53156
Please note Staci works full time outside of Blue Spring Lake.  Blue Spring Lake Management phone calls and emails will be answered after 4:30 pm Monday through Friday.  


Board member Term ends Contact info